Do you want to exchange your item for another size or simply return one or more items for a refund (it happens :)?

So be sure to ensure that you respect our return policy available on this link: Return policy

Your products must be unworn and perfectly clean to be eligible for a return for exchange or refund. Make sure to properly package them so that they are received in good condition.

Step 1: Make the return request

You can make the request by logging directly into your account:

Step 2: Wait for validation

If your article complies with the return policy , you will receive an approval by email within 2 days of your request.

Step 3: Send the item(s) (at your expense)

Send your items specifying your name, first name and order to:

8 broom path

You can reuse the shipping pouch, making sure to re-seal it to ensure the pouch is airtight.


Step 4: Wait for refund or exchange

Upon receipt of your return, and after verification, you will receive an email to track the return or refund of the order.